GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Mel Trotter Ministries is in need of a lot of turkeys – fast!
The local homeless ministry has a goal to distribute 1,500 donated turkeys this Thanksgiving holiday. They are collecting in a one-day blitz, called the “Turkey Drop” at Celebration Cinema North and South.
According to the ministry, as of 3:30pm, they are still about 820 turkeys short. They are collecting until 7:00pm at the locations below. Cash donations are also accepted.
- Celebration Cinema North – 2121 Celebration Drive NE
- Celebration Cinema South – 1506 Eastport SE
- Mel Trotter’s Store – 555 28th Street SE
- Mel Trotter’s Store – 7500 Cottonwood Drive
- Mel Trotter’s Store – 538 S. State Street in Sparta
- Mel Trotter Mission – 225 Commerce SW
- Goodwill – 363 E. State in Belding (only)