KALAMAZOO, Mich. — After a reviewer offered some heavy criticism about the seasonal beer Oberon, a blogger and Kalamazoo-native posted a response, explaining in his own words why calling Oberon ‘America’s Most Overrated Beer’ is inaccurate.
In the post titled, “An Open Letter to Will Gordon Regarding Bell’s Oberon,” author Kyle Magin openly admits that he does not have the same level of beer experience as Gordon (the author of the review that prompted this response), but he puts into context why it is that so many people enjoy the ale.
“Oberon is best enjoyed after a long, dark, depressing, grinding, freezing winter with a stretch of 27 straight days sans sunlight,” writes Magin. “Just a slate grey sky every. Single. Day.”
No matter how you feel about Oberon, you have to appreciate some of the visuals Magin incorporates…
“The kind of winter where the dry, frigid air sneaks in under your jacket and between the seams of your jeans as you walk the 40 feet from your car to the gym. The kind of winter where your fingers can’t type for the first 10 minutes of work or class because they move in chunky unison rather than with independent dexterity.”
After some more colorful descriptions, he continues, “That’s why the release of Oberon in late March each year is marked with such a celebration. It’s a sign that life is returning to the frozen tundra.”
More poetic dissertations follow, leading up to his final point of the letter:
“Oh, and finally, Will, Oberon is a damn good beer. There are plenty of overpriced, mass-produced monstrosities more deserving of your ‘most overrated’ title.”