KALAMAZOO, Mich. (June 9, 2014) — One of West Michigan’s most popular brewing companies is venturing out into the cosmos, so to speak, with a new series of beer it will be releasing over the coming months.
Dubbed “The Planets Series,” the forthcoming ale project will feature seven different beers each inspired by a different piece of music from the composer Gustav Holst. Each beer will be limited and released both in six-packs and on draft.
“The first Planet beer will be released this August with each successive entry debuting about every two months after,” reads a recent post on Bell’s official website. “The final beer is scheduled for release in July 2015.”
The lineup:
“Mars, The Bringer of War” – Double IPA
“Venus, The Bringer of Peace” – A Blonde Ale brewed with honey, apricot, vanilla and cardamom
“Mercury, The Winged Messenger” – A Belgian Single
“Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity” – A malt forward Brown Ale
“Saturn, The Bringer of Old Age” – A Bourbon Barrel-aged Barleywine
“Uranus, The Magician” – Black Double IPA
“Neptune, The Mystic” – A beer inspired by Dr. Bell’s Medicinal Stout, one of Larry Bell’s homebrews that also helped inspire Eccentric Ale