

Emergency Snow Plowing in East Hills Neighborhood Tuesday


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich (February 10, 2014) – The East Hills Council of Neighbors is trying to make sure people are aware of an emergency snow removal event taking place on Tuesday.

Residents are being told not to park along the following streets from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. tomorrow so the city can remove snow in the area.

  • Wealthy Street SE, from Union to Fuller SE
  • Diamond Ave SE, from Wealthy Street to E Fulton
  • Cherry SE, from Union to Lake Drive SE
  • Fairmount SE, from Eastern Ave to Calkins SE

Any cars that remain on the street could end up being towed or inadvertently buried in snow.  The City of Grand Rapids must clear snow in the area because right now, roads aren’t accessible to emergency vehicles.

The East Hills Council of Neighbors says Fire engines, EMS vehicles and police cruisers are having difficulty accessing these areas right now.