

Highlights of State Of The Union Address

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WASHINGTON D.C. — President Obama gave his fifth State of the Union address on Tuesday night. The president hit on a lot of the tough issues facing the country across the board.

The president spoke about job creation and mentioned that our country has seen its lowest unemployment numbers in five years.

President Obama also spoke about the need to fund innovation saying companies like Google and technology like smartphones were made possible by federally funded research. He also said lawmakers need to pass a patent reform bill that allows businesses to stay focused on innovation, not costly, needless litigation.

Another big part of his speech was oil and natural gas production. President Obama said he wants to cut the red tape, so businesses can invest in new factories that use natural gas.

The president also touched on solar power and the desire to grow that avenue.

Towards the end of his address, the president said of the Affordable Care Act that so far, because of the program, more than three million Americans under the age of 26 have been able to get coverage under their parent’s plans.

He also said under the act, no American can ever be dropped or denied coverage over preexisting conditions like asthma or even cancer.

One of the biggest issues being discussed in our country right now is the issue of minimum wage. During the address,  President Obama made his point clear: raise it.

The president has already received criticism from Republicans over his plan to sign an executive order to increase minimum wage for federal workers.

On the war front, President Obama vowed that the war in Afghanistan will be over by the end of the year.