

Grand River GreenUp

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GRAND HAVEN, Mich.– Saturday marked the third annual Grand River “GreenUp”, hundreds of volunteers turned out along the lakeshore to help pick up trash in local parks along the river.

The event is put on by the West Michigan Environmental Action Council and Grand Haven Area Jaycess. This year though, it came with an added challenge, more debris than ever before from all the flooding earlier this year.

“In terms of debris it was reported there was more debris and a lot more trash than when we had done our survey before the flood. We had to make plans to adjust” said Brock Rogers chairman of GreenUp.

Crews worked along 20 miles of the Grand River, in the past three years they’ve collected more than 20,000 lbs. of refuse.

For Walden Green Montessori in Spring Lake, they used the event as their first service project together, a chance for the students to learn first hand what its like to do their part in cleaning up the environment.

“As parents and as educators we just want them to know that they can make a difference. They may only be one person but they can make a difference and as a group we can make an even bigger difference” said Chris Manzo a teacher at the school.

To learn more about GreenUp and more scheduled events: