

City Of Grandville Flooding Status April 23, 2013

Posted at
and last updated

grandville 2GRANDVILLE, Mich. —   Latest Developments

  • Grandville Clean Water Plant (CWP) continues to request users of the Grandville Sanitary Sewer System to use water conservatively in order to reduce flows to the CWP.  Plant flows continue to exceed system design capacity.  Inflow and infiltration of the sanitary sewer system will remain a primary concern as long as areas of the City and sewer service area remain under floodwaters.


  • The Grand River is slowly receding in Grandville.  The extent of flooded areas in Grandville remains unchanged from Monday afternoon although the depth of flooding has decreased to a minor extent.
  • Chicago Drive between Canal Avenue and Main Street in Jenison has one lane of traffic open in each direction although there remains some water in the road.
  • Wilson Avenue between 28th Street and Chicago Drive is passable for one lane of traffic in each direction although there remains some water in the road.
  • Fairlanes Avenue south of Chicago Drive is passable for one lane of traffic in each direction although there remains some water in the road.
  • All other Grandville street closures from Monday remain in effect with no additions.  Additional streets will be reopened as it is deemed safe to do so. 


Following is additional detail on City of Grandville flood status:


Clean Water Plant


  • The CWP (15 Baldwin Street) is taking sanitary sewer flow well beyond plant capacity and continues to by-pass pump in an attempt to keep up with the flow resulting in only partial treatment.
  • Voluntary reduction of residential and business discharges to the sanitary system by all system users (multiple communities) continues to be requested (see above).
  • The CWP remains surrounded by flood water but is staffed and operational.



  • See “Latest Developments” (above) regarding recent partial street re-openings.
  • Current street closures due to flooding include:
    • White Street west of Wilson and east of Wilson between Church & Barrett
    • Sanford Avenue north of 28th Street.
    • Busch Drive between Sanford and Ivanrest Avenues.
    • Franklin Avenue north of the CSX railroad.
    • Division Avenue north of the CSX railroad.
    • Broadway Avenue north of the CSX railroad.
    • Ferry Street west of Franklin.
  • Streets will be reopened as it is deemed safe to do so.
  • Driving down flooded streets can be hazardous and may cause damage to abutting properties and structures.  Please stay out of flooded areas.


Department of Public Works


  • The DPW facility at 4095 White Street remains bermed to prevent flood water from entering the building.  Access to the facility is limited.
  • DPW phone number is 538-1990.
  • The self-serve sandbags and sand remain available at the corner of Franklin and Oakes just east of the Grandville DPW facility, should anyone have need of them.
  • The water system is safe to drink. 




  • Ground water is still being pumped from the Grandville Library (4055 Maple Street).
  • The library is open to the public.


Police Department (No Changes from Monday)


  • If you need emergency assistance please call 911.
  • Stay out of the water and do not attempt to drive over flooded roads.
  • Unnecessary driving to view flooding creates congestion and hinders public works and public safety efforts.


Fire Department (No Changes from Monday)

  • Flooded Basements/yards/etc.:  The Fire Department is not staffed or equipped to pump water from private property.  We recommend that homeowners contact their insurance agent for a referral to a private cleanup/restoration service.


  • Power Outages:  The Fire Department is not staffed or equipped to provide generator power to residents.  Persons who rely on electrically powered medical equipment should consult with the provider of their equipment or the prescribing physician to develop a backup plan in the event of a power outage.  The Fire Department is only equipped to provide oxygen and medical services in short term, emergency situations only.




  • General Safety Information: 


In the event that your power is out do not use generators, grills, camp stoves or other fuel burning devices inside a home, garage, basement, or other enclosed or semi-enclosed structure.  These types of items should be used outside, clear of any open window or doors.

Please keep all people and pets at least 25 feet away from any downed or low hanging wire.  Regardless of whether or not they are sparking, all downed wires should be considered dangerous and reported to the fire department.  Remember, stay away and stay alive!

 Declaration of State of Emergency in Kent County


  • The local State of Emergency issued by Kent County on April 19 applies to the City of Grandville.  A copy of this document has been posted on the City Website.  Declaring a local state of emergency allows the County to get access to damage assessment resources from the State and is the first step toward possibly receiving federal emergency assistance.

Text Regarding the Requested Voluntary Reduction of Water Use


The Grandville Clean Water Plant (CWP) continues to request all users of the Grandville Sanitary Sewer System to reduce unnecessary discharges to the sanitary sewer in order to reduce flow into the CWP.  This request is likely to be continued as long as flows into the CWP remain above design capacity.  Flood waters have infiltrated the collection system (for example, entering through floor drains, sanitary sewer manholes and other sanitary access points that are currently underwater.

Once again, to be very clear, this is a request to reduce the DISCHARGE of water to the sanitary sewer system.  THE WATER IS SAFE FOR DRINKING AND ALL OTHER USES.  We are simply asking that users attempt to reduce the amount of water that ends up in the drain to the extent possible until such time as system flows drop to more manageable levels.  Examples:  Flushing less, shorter showers, hand-washing dishes, deferring laundry.  Areas served by the Grandville CWP include:

  • All of the City of Grandville
  • All of Georgetown Township
  • All of the City of Hudsonville
  • Eastern portions Blendon Township
  • Northern portions of Jamestown Township.