LANSING, Mich. — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will deliver her second State of the State address Wednesday night.
Whitmer has now had a full year to put her agenda to work on issues she brought up in her last address like education and the roads.
Lawmakers will be listening closer to what Whitmer has to say, especially those who aren’t in her party like State Rep. Lynn Afendoulis, R-Plainfield Township.
Afendoulis said she would like to hear more specifics from the governor, which is something she thought Whitmer didn’t do enough of her first time around.
Afendoulis is also hoping to hear about more opportunities in bipartisanship. Whitmer’s first year in office created some strains in bipartisan relationships with issues like the state budget, which brought a lot of bickering between lawmakers.
“It’s something that we really have on the floor of the house. There’s a great spirit of bipartisanship among legislators,” Afendoulis said. “We’re challenged more so with bipartisanship between the legislative and the executive branch and so I hope that changes this session I would look forward to working with the governor.”
Whitmer's address is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.