

Holland teen named Midwest Youth of the Year


HOLLAND, Mich. — The Boys and Girls Club of America awarded a local teen more than $40,000 in scholarships.

Along with the scholarships, Abria Franklin, of Holland, was also named Midwest Youth of the Year by the organization. Officials noted Franklin was selected due to her resiliency and determination. Franklin, herself, describes her efforts of that as a hammer.

“A hammer symbolizes my strong efforts to build a life with a solid foundation. The struggle and hardships that a hammer goes through resemble my endurance and perseverance,” Franklin said. “In similar ways, I am able to overcome obstacles and my hard work shows and frames me as a person.”

Franklin has been a member of the organization for three years and aspires to be a pediatrician.

The leadership program encourages Club members to reach their full potential by achieving academic success, leading healthy lifestyles and contributing to their communities, according to a press release issued by the organization. It went on to say these extraordinary young leaders are shining examples and living proof that great futures start at Boys & Girls Clubs.

This fall, Franklin has the chance to win an additional $100,000 as part of the national competition in Washington D.C.