Excellence in Education: Veronica VanWagoner


Veronica VanWagoner is being recognized for her Excellence in Education.

Sharon Laughridge, Veronica’s nominator, says, “I've been able to observe firsthand her ability to engage her children in their studies, whether it's through a book trailer to excite them about reading or holding a current events debate to help them see the relevance to the ancient history subjects she teaches.”

“I love engaging and interacting with kids,” says Veronica, “Now I see kids that I have had as older adults. I didn't know the impact that I had on them then, but through their contact with me, I've realized I've had an impact, even if it's a small one.”

Veronica has received a $1,500 check from the Michigan Lottery, and her class at Duncan Lake Middle School will receive a $500 grant.

Is there an educator in your community who displays Excellence in Education? Click here to nominate them.

SEE MORE: Excellence in Education nominees wanted

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