

Father’s Day weekend will have some showers


WEST MICHIGAN-- The Father's Day Weekend won't be a complete washout, but won't be perfect either.

Saturday will be mostly cloudy and unseasonably cool with temps in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. Average highs are near 80 degrees for the middle of June and the below normal trend looks to continue. As a cold front drops southward through the region during the late morning / afternoon period, a few showers will be possible. A thundershower could pop up for some but severe weather is NOT in the forecast.

Father's Day continues the trend of mostly cloudy skies and the risk for a scattered shower or two. As of this writing, the best chance for any wet weather looks to be during the first half of the day and through our southern sections closer to the Indiana state line. Again, just like Saturday, many hours on Sunday should be free of rain across West Michigan. Highs on Father's Day head for the lower 70s.

Monday brings back a dry forecast from start to finish along with some sunshine and warmer temps headed for the middle 70s.